Al aprender más sobre la cabeza del caballo, la anatomía del caballo, los problemas dentales y su biomecánica, se establece fácilmente la conexión con muchos problemas de entrenamiento y de comportamiento. Ciertos problemas dentales pueden crear una desalineación en toda la columna vertebral de un caballo. La educación sobre el ajuste de embocaduras fue un enriquecimiento del conocimiento de ajuste de monturas que ya tenía. Hace que los problemas de ajuste de la embocadura y la montura sean inseparables.

Obtiene máyor cómodidad cuando monte a caballo.

¿Cuándo debería llamar a un consultor de embocaduras? ?

  • Conexión nerviosa
  • Pulling up the tongue
  • Mordeduras en la embocadura
  • Sacudidas de cabeza con frecuencia durante un galope.
  • Heridas / traumatismos en la esquina de la boca
  • Aparición de dolor
  • Reacciones contrarias del caballo
  • Un caballo que no corre suavemente.
  • Coloca su lengua sobre la embocadura
  • Un caballo que saca la lengua fuera de la boca
  • Un caballo que mantiene la boca abierta mientras monta

Las elecciones en embocaduras hoy en día



  • Snaffle (single or double jointed), Mullen (one piece) bits
  • Ported,  lock up or elliptical bits
  • Bits with rolling pieces, tongue plates or French links
  • Waterford bits and many more…

There are many more possibilities in combination with different cheekpieces:

  • Loose ring, Eggbutt
  • Full cheek, Kimberly-Dee
  • Beval, Balding, Universal
  • Baucher and many more…


  • Salox /Aurigan/Sensogan
  • Sweet Iron / Stainless steel
  • Rubber / Copper / Plastic
  • Leather / Blue alloy /Rope

In short the most common used:

  • Stainless steel is durable and smooth and used for many years.
  • Argentan and Aurigan contains a lot of copper which gives a sweetness effect on the palate, resulting in a smooth acceptance of the bit while producing saliva.
  • Salox is a soft and warm metal, which is pleasant for many horses .
  • Sweet-iron bits stimulate the production of saliva.
  • Plastic and rubber bits are for the very sensitive mouths or young horses.

BEFORE booking your bit-fitting appointment make sure that you have done the following:

  1. A specialized equine dentist have revised and done the teeth of your horse (less than 3 months ago) Especially a young horse needs regular check ups because he is changing milk teeth and molars, 3-6 years old’s!
  2. Make sure your horse is healthy and sound (green light by your veterinarian to be ridden).  Make sure your horse is being trained regularly and he is working normally at least the past 3 months.
  3. Clean and nourish your leather bridle and tack thoroughly, open and close ALL the leather straps and add leather conditioner on your bridle and reins before your bit-fitting session appointment!

Solo trabajamos con las mejores marcas y materiales

What is included in a bit fitting consultation?

A properly fitted bit doesn’t just include the right size and length. The anatomy of the mouth should be thoroughly checked and it’s important to understand that sometimes a specialized equine dentist should come before we can actually start bit-fitting.

During a first consultation 3 main areas are thoroughly checked:

  • The anatomy of the horse’s head, neck, cheeks, mouth and teeth.
  • Muscle development, sensitive areas, pain triggers and symmetry.
  • Dental issues, mandibula restrictions as well as trauma or injuries.
  • The currently used bridle and bits, its placement and sizes.
  • Test riding with various bits chosen from the selected options.

Costes y precios

Bit and Bridle fitting consultation will take minimum 1,5 hour per session.

Simple bridle consultation


Consulta de filete y bocado


Test ride a snaffle or bridoon-weymouth combination

After you purchased a bit you can test-ride it for 7 días (free of charge). 

– A notice should be given within those 7 days, in case you want to return them after these 7 days.  

– The items should be returned directly after the trial week ends, once the items are received at our facilities, the value of the items will be reimbursed to your account immediately.

Note: Postage costs are always for the customer.

Rangos de precios:

Puntas: used in the consultation can be purchased directly.

Snaffle / Bradoon prices vary from €55,- tot €185,- 

Weymouth / Curb prices vary from € 160,- to € 250,-.

Bridas: Top quality on the measure anatomical bridle pieces designed and made by TIBO Equestrian. Bridle pieces can be bought as a complete bridle or as individual parts.

A complete bridle, without reins have a price varying between €280,- to €340,-  (all bridle pieces are fabricated in Europe and made of the finest Italian leather).

Gastos de viaje (Lugar de inicio Alzira, España)

0 - 25 kilometros
25 - 50km
50 - 100 km
100 - 150 km
150-200 kilometros
200 - 250 kilometros
250 - 300 km

VAT: all prices are exclusive VAT / IVA

Cancellation of appointment: in case an consultation appointment is being canceled in less than 12hours before the planned consultation, 50% of the consultation price will be charged.